Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Perma-slump….. September 30, 2008

Filed under: Life — mintlatte @ 9:48 am

OK, you know how things get and you are kind of in a slump.  When you find yourself checking your work email from home, making work lists inbetween kiddie homework problems, and everything you do seems centered on being somewhere else that you don’t really want to be all the time?  Yeah.  That’s me.

I work in a service based industry, and for a while, things were slow. Not slow for me, but slow in general.  Actually, even when things are slow around here, the company does well, so there is usually plenty to be accomplished, just more people to offer their opinions on exactly how it should be accomplished.

Recently, some changes in personnel were made that have left me in the totally busy all I think about is work place.  The biggest repurcussion is that for another two or three weeks I have an endless succession of projects that require my full on attention until they are done.  Once done, the changes might have little to no impact, but for now…well, suffice it to say I really prefer it when work is not so big a chunk of my life.

On the “fun” front, my hubby did manage to procure a WII fit for me.   At first I worried that it might be a bit silly, but that thing is kicking my butt!! It is also offering a nice physical respite from the the whole work thing.  We are not overly competitive in my house, but I must say that it is nice to have high scores 🙂 Thankfully DH and I are not kill ourselves cutthroat competitive, and keep it friendly, but it is a push to perform as well as you can.

There are slight amounts of knitting and crocheting happening, but they are slight and are mostly characterized by casting on, knitting and inch or two and ripping.   At this pace I won’t ever have to buy yarn again,  even though odds are I will.  I am attempting a stash diet at the moment, but if I never finish anything it may turn into a stash lifestyle.  There is the possibility I will eventually wear out the yarn, or cast on enough small things that by the time I think about ripping it out I am done with it- I don’t think I have the fortitude to rip an FO.

Wish I could promise more regular posts, but chances are it would be an empty promise.  I am trying to rev up for the holiday gift season, and if that gets going it might be good here.  If not…I will at least do my best to not come here to whine 🙂