Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Oh crappy morning…… July 31, 2006

Filed under: Travel — mintlatte @ 11:49 am
You know you are having one of those days when….
You try to turn on your car, and it is dead……like dead dead. No noise, no nothing.  Dead.  So I blame the kids, they were after all the last ones in the car, and MUST have left something on.  SO after some extensive car manual reading, the shift had been overidden the car jump started and I was on my way to work. 
I got about 3 miles on the highway…..and Thhhhpppptttt….everything in the car goes nuts and she dies.  For those not in the know this would be a sign that your alternator had just died. 
Anyone ever stranded on the side of a highway between a guardrail and a lane without about an inch to each side of spare space, knows this is NOT a good way to start ones morning.     
For once though, luck was on my side… father rescued me, we got my car to a village inn parking lot and soon it was headed to the shop…which is good because of the warranty, but bad becasue I have to have the timing belt changed and the 60,000 mile service (OUCH!)
Anyway, I suspect by tomorrow the happy hyundai will be on the road again….I will be poor for a couple of months, but I guess worse things have happened.  At least I already bought the yarn for my next project 🙂
Also I didn’t blame thid kids IN FRONT of the kids, so I don;t have to tell them I am sorry :-P.
Maybe I will post a finished object later, I have one, but I am too pissy to blog about it.

Cute little angel. July 26, 2006

Filed under: Crafts — mintlatte @ 9:01 am
Just finished this angel doll/ornament…and blogged all about it and a craft show I went to this weekend that was pretty cool, but internet went down and I lost it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (this was a LONG one, so I probably would have bored you out of your mind anyway)
SO now all you get is a picture of this cutie and a link to the pattern.  (Read the back story on this page and I think you will be as impressed as I am with the wonderful tribute this woman is giving to her mother)
These are all great patterns…well done and no mistakes 🙂
Enjoy, and more on the craft show later when I can post links and what not.

Blankies and misc. stuff. July 20, 2006

Filed under: Crafts — mintlatte @ 9:37 am
Well, I hate to reiterate, but there is really nothing new here.  I do however finally have pictures of the Fat Bottom bag from Happy Hooker….Mom actually crocheted this one for me a couple weeks ago, but I just this weekend got around to putting a liner in it.  The liner is inherited stash…so I am at least making attempts to use what I have 🙂
I also have pictures of my favorite WIP, actually my favorite yet….I am making a baby blanket for a friend at work, and it is just so lovely, as you can see it is shell stitch in alternating colors, but I am using a g hook, so instead of being light and lacey shell stitchy, this is a lovely heavy blanket with a seriously awesome drape and feel.  I am not really using a patten, This is basically a make it up as you go along type thing….only because of the smailler hook size, it isn’t a quick project by any means.  I do love it though and wish I had the patience to do a full afghan this way.
On a lighter note, I got new shoes yesterday….I found some Kangaroos on sale 🙂 Oh come on you remember, the shoes with the zipper pocket….funny thing is, I got them at lunch and when I got home my daughter absolutely had to have a pair, she thought they were that cool….frankly I am quite positive I will not do or wear "cool" things often…so figure I might as well enjoy it while I can.

New Finished Object :-) July 13, 2006

Filed under: Crafts — mintlatte @ 11:47 am
OK, so REALLY I finished this a couple days ago…but figured better posting now than later…thank DH for modeling…..
Other than that I am just a bundle of WIP….started a blanket for a friend at work having a baby soon 🙂 and some Skull holders for my sister.
BUT, I am going to spill my guts now…so yarn snobs……COVER YOUR EYES!!!
I am using Caron simply soft brites for the baby blanket….and I LOVE this stuff…it is soft and makes such NICE blanky fabric….plus totally washable so mom can relax 🙂
Now that I have expereinced some truly natural, WONDERFUL fibers, plus who wouldn’t love a yarn store…I know I love the ones near me……I can say I love the result….and they are nice to work with, but really, out of my price range for a lot of things I would like to make….rather than just not make things, I think the acrylic and acrylic blends out there are wonderful.  I think red heart worsted probably could use a revamp…but their symphony and some of their "novelty" yarns are wonderful and work up beautifully! Plus there are so many brands and wonderful blends….
Seriously, fiber snobbery just makes me feel badly sometimes, especially when I have put time and energy into a beautiful finished object….why whould I feel badly about the fact I had to use a less expensive yarn!! Especially when I and any recipients are thrilled with the product? Sigh, I know I should NEVER take it personally, but I did.  Anyway, now I am not.  I am going to firmly stand up for less expensive fibers and non tradional fiber choices in my stuff!  SO I guess if you are a fiber snob, this may not be the place for you.  I guarantee sometimes I will post stuff worthey of fiber snobbery, but most of my stuff will be cheap yarns found in chain stores. 
Ok enough of this rant….
Back soon with either a FO or a WIP 🙂

Cold Shoulders July 6, 2006

Filed under: Crafts — mintlatte @ 8:02 am
Woo hoo…so cold shoulders is FINISHED 🙂 The beeeeuuuutiful wooly merino yarn has turned into an adorable shrug! First of all….this is major for me because I actually followed the pattern…I find myself completely unable to stick with patterns, I start, but the turn them into something else….like the pot holder purse 🙂
Anyway, I am proud to say the ONLY alteration to this is color and I made the pom poms smaller.
I really hate this picture though as I can not get it to give the color justice, this color is a rich purply pink color that is sooooo scrumptious. 
The project is from The Happy Hooker, which is one of the best crochet books I have seen for a while…..this is actually my second project from the book, if you count skull potholders that turn into a purse as the first.
Originally this was supposed to be for my daughter, but I can hardly stand to give it to her, and am thinking of hitting the walmart or Jo Anns to find a cheaper more washable substance to make another one out of for her.
So I guess I will just think on that 🙂

Skull Purse July 2, 2006

Filed under: Crafts — mintlatte @ 12:10 pm
Ok, so what do you do when your daughter is trying very hard to turn into a little punk rocker?? You help her out 🙂 Which means that the skull purse is finally finished.  I said before I was unsure how to finish it, so I took DD to the fabric store, she picked handles and the fabric for the inside, and all in all, I think it turned out well 🙂
She also picked up the stuff to do a pair of fun fur flip flops….I guess it kept her busy for a bit… especially since she felt the need to customize with sharpies as well 🙂
We went to a local fireworks show last night….and since we had to wait a while before dark, I turned out a new shell stitch dish cloth, which my MIL has already claimed 🙂  I asked her if she liked the crocheted dish cloths, she said she did and that she had lots of kitchen cotton for me if I wanted it! 
Nothing new started except some doodling with the crochet hook…..I wonder if you can do this with knitting needles…I can’t yet as knitting is still a bit foreign to me…but with a crochet hook, I can just start crocheting, circles, granny squares lacy patterns anything I can think of…so I guess I am just doing that. If it turns inot something I will post pics.