Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Crochet what… August 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 8:41 pm

Crazy scarf?

Embarrassing old lady shawl for a teenager?

Nope its a

snuggie for boy. Ever since he saw the infomercial he wanted one – size was no deterrent he had to have one.   So in celebration of the cheesetastic everywhere I presented him with a mom crocheted green snuggie. Told you it was bad.


Back to school night…. August 26, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 12:57 pm

The public schools system of torturing parents everywhere.  If we replaced waterboarding with repetitive back to school nights I am sure that we could get something out of those terrorists!

For all those parents who are thinking I am a wack job right now, let me ask what have you really ever gotten from going to back to school night? Usually for me it is just a heads up for which teachers my children are likely to hate. As of last year I am 100% dead on with girl – I can always tell who she will get along with.

Now Boy is in elementary school – so back to school night has a function – free ice cream 🙂 Also boy likes to meet his teacher ahead of time and in elementary school back to school night is BEFORE they start school.  With DD it falls after the start date so things are set in motion already, I am powerless to do anything but sit and listen to the teachers tell me their rules, usually things I have already read and signed – so why go? At least I have a pretty good idea of when the shit is gonna hit the fan.

For all those curious about the crafty side of mintlatte’s crafty space – soon my friends I shall be posting an object of unspeakable horror.  I have been watching infomercials with my son – and we discovered something he couldn’t live without.  A quick scan of internetville awakened me to the fact that there was a pattern for this item… I think it is probably the worst thing I have ever made – right behind this crazy flight of reason…


Wow. Just Wow… August 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 8:50 am

Kacey Girl

My Kacey girl is 15 today.  She just started High School yesterday.  When I left her at the school I longed to cry – or just drag her back into my arms and take her home, where I could protect her from the world at large.   I didn’t do either.  I just said goodbye and watched her walk off into the school that is basically her second home now.

All I can do now is trust her.  And I do.  She is smart and self aware – and I think she might even listen to her mother sometimes – for this she deserves some major teen points.  It isn’t always easy to listen to your parents.  But still my heart flutters just thinking bout what lies ahead for her.  I look at her and I see big dreams, all of them within her grasp.  I just hope I have it in me to support a big dreamer.  Big dreamers can be squashed by doubt, there will be plenty of people in her life who will doubt her, so it is my job to believe in her.  Every day that I see her work her way through the world it gets easier and easier to believe.

Silly Kacey – Your mom loves you and thinks you are brilliant.  Happy Birthday 🙂


Been a long time since a ….. August 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 6:43 pm

Yeah. So no apologies here.  I am guiltless blogger, blogging only when I feel the need. Right about now I am feeling awful needy.  I can’t help but feel that things at the day job are not going so hot – and it is things that are far beyond my control.  None the less I am bucking up and doing what I always do which is whatever work throws my way 🙂

Despite the work situation other things in my life are becoming VERY clear.  My daughter has been possessed by a psycho teenager.  Let’s face it  – the most important thing in the world right now is HER – in fact the entire frickin’ universe revolves around the status of her hair.  Sans the flavor of the moment (blue.  I just finished dying her hair blue.) there was no way she was going to start school.  Seriously.  Her little world would have crashed around her over blue hair.

Now I do remember the frantic feeling of a bad hair day way back when.  When my awesome wall o’ bang cut with the fiercely hairsprayed side slick back just didn’t work.  Days when my perms were too frizzy (I find it hard to believe there was such a thing as too frizzy and yet my perms always were too damn frizzy).  These days the fact that my hair is intact on my head is enough, I would go to work with bed head most days and it wouldn’t matter one whit.  So I find myself far removed from what she is experiencing right now – and yet am trying so hard to be properly sympathetic without losing sight of all the things that are important.

I have spent a lot of time reading lately, and it seems I have discovered  a lost love.  I have buried myself in books as though I have been starved for them for some time.  Any books, even the crazy trashy beach reads are holding me like they were high literature. Which means no book reviews from me.  Seriously a guilty pleasure is just that  – guilty. I will say that I did read pride prejudice and zombies – and I completely understand the hype.  Freakin’ awesomely crazy good and true to the original in some very bizarre ways.

And with that I leave you to wonder just how bad my taste truly is.  One thing I know is this – at least my hair isn’t blue 🙂