Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Weekends :-) February 26, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 4:02 pm

Weekends are wonderful things……

This weekend I…

Finished my taxes!

Actually worked in the craft room for a WHOLE day (this included getting my serger to like me again…..turns out it is even more particular than I thought about the order in which you thread it!!!!!)

Found a shirt pattern that might just fit me, and is my style too!

ALMOST got a child ready for outdoor lab school….

Did not eat out AT ALL (for my family this is a major accomplishment!) I am not a bad cook per se…but I am far more Betty Crocker 50’s cookbook than I am Emeril.   Chefness does not become me.  

Went to a sale at Hancocks and did NOT purchase anything I was not going to use right away…..

Ran all my errands 🙂

And somehow after it all, I just feel relaxed.  Yes I said relaxed! after all the running the craziness, the dog running off with my sewing stuff ness…it was a nice weekend.

And I do have some eyecandy 🙂 I have been doing an incredible amount of embroidery lately, in fact yesterday I snapped a hand needle.  I have never before in all my life just snapped a hand sewing needle unless I was doing something stupid (like pulling it through something it was never intended to go through with pliers!) But there I am needle in hand, and it just snapped in my hand!! I think I used the same needle for several projects recently though. So maybe you can wear them out and should be replacing them like you replace your sewing machine needle.

Seriously, embroidery is cheap (if you do it by hand) and needles are not expensive…. Which begs the question….WHY on earth do I use the SAME needle through a WHOLE project, especially when I do a teeny amount of one color, and I know I will do more, I still UNTHREAD the darn thing and rethread it with what I want to work with next?? There is a crafting oddity for you!  Even worse is right next to me I have two packets of BRAND spankin SHINY gold eyed new needles in assorted sizes…..


Anyhoo….see the pretty pillowcases???


Look, MONKEYS 🙂  


And my favorite part: This Banana…..because the seed stitch filler LOOKS like a banana!!



As Usual these babies are Sublime Stitching.  And I would be totally remiss if I did not say, that by request they were based off of these by catpants. I think I caught the essence without making a direct copy 🙂

Just in case people actually read this…I hope your weekend was wonderful too 🙂


Yuck. February 22, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 2:47 pm

Today is nothing more and nothing less than a bad day.  I am so whiny I dare not even stay for long.  I am thirsty (Stupid Wendy’s got my order wrong AGAIN and gave me soda instead of iced tea…….stupid diet means NO soda….stupid water is not what I want)  <<<< See what I mean. Whiny.

The worst part is that I know this and am absolutely powerless over it.  I can not control the whine.

I have however managed the bitchiness, and NOT went back to the Wendy’s a THIRD time for order correction.  This is partly due to the fact that I might be a touch embarrassed about the tantrum I threw the SECOND time I went back….but still…..<sigh>

I wish I could say I made tremendous progress on something and was close to having beautiful pictures, but I have worked on nothing 🙂 ( I did crochet one row on my shawl, but I forgot to put it away last night, so by now some horrid child has erased my row and the ten before it) <<see negativity.

I wish I could understand this total funk.  I rather think I should check out effects of salmonella, I have infected peanut butter on my desk at work.  At least then I would have someone to blame. 

The really gross part about this peanut butter recall thing is that I have found three jars of recalled peanut butter within my vicinity.  All are at least half empty, and at least two of those are half empty because of me alone, the third I shared with my kids 😛 sweet isn’t it?  Fortunately we are apparently iron stomached and have not tied any particular bowel issues to peanut butter, although in hindsight, I begin to wonder…….

Eww.  Enough gross stuff….

Tonight I am treating the family to Tamale Kitchen for dinner (mmmmmmm…green chili…..) and I plan on frittering away the evening doing embroidery while watching endless amounts of TV.  (Yes I am a Thursday night addict…..Ugly Betty, Survivor, CSI, and American Idol….how much more fricken mainstream can I be?)  Hopefully by the weekend I will have ditched my funk. 

Just for the fun of it…how about a crafty inventory of my desk? (I have to do SOMETHING at lunch time 🙂


Two cross stitches….both from kits…mostly whim. But I like them 🙂


Recycled Paper crafts:


Functional: Here is a confession too….I LOVE plastic canvas.  It is one of my all time favorite crafts.  It’s OK, I can hear it, the overwhelming ranks of the crafty saying TACKY!!! and yes, it may be, but it is still fun, and who says tacky never = cute. Personally I ❤ my pencil holder.  And my coasters… and my magnets……and all the cheesy 3d thing I have produced over the years…… Perhaps soon I will unload a whole entry of plastic canvas 🙂

And just plain cool: (this is admittedly a gift from my mom, she makes them…I just love it so much I can’t leave it planted between the pages of a book!! SO here it stays, at work where I can look at it 🙂

Hmm. Pictures after all….plus I do feel a touch better.  



She’s baaaaack…. February 21, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 3:28 pm

Yeup.  Here I be again. Tapping merrily away at keys. I would like to say there is a purpose to this, but I am sure there isn’t 🙂

Oddly enough, for those interested in the crafty stuff….I am midway into making myself a whole pile of wips!

I bought fabric for a great tote bag for me, and the pattern, but have yet to approach even the cutting table.

I started crocheting a matinee swing jacket before I decided my gauge was going to make a jacket the size of a rather large  gorilla. Now since I will be forced to frog, I have set it aside into wipville.

I am about 2/3 of the way through a crocheted shawl. (ooh but I like this one, it is a real wip, one that may reach the finish line!)

And I have bought about a trillion patterns all with good intentions. 

Not to mention my knitting intentions, which really are….make something not square. At one point in time I had alluded to my desire to make socks.  Perhaps that was loftier than I knew.  I shall settle for making something not square now 🙂

Lets see, swapping still too….only I can’t post pics of my only finished for a while, due to package is still in the mail.  I really wanted to post, but I KNOW if there were pictures of something I was receiving out there, I would knock down walls to see them… and then receiving might be a touch anticlimactic.

Really the problem is I have been working my tail off…at work!! Work is hectic in bad weather….by the way it has taken all my willpower NOT to post snow pictures….mostly because I find I am very whiny when it comes to this extended bitch of a winter we are having and I do not want to sound whiny.  Sigh.  I am seriously gearing up for total spring fever. 

Ah what the heck….snow pictures coming right up….

Do you know this person?  If so laugh very hard at her. She passed all the decent normal snow driving rest of us, cause she was clearly a superior driver!  This is her stuck in the snow 🙂

And kids sledding 🙂     This is when we were just at three feet, and snow was still fun.


And of course, courtesy of DD and DH… a snowlady!


My DD is headed to outdoor lab soon…..this is a Colorado experience, we send our sixth graders to the mountains with all the sixth graders in their school. They spend the whole week in dorms playing mountain man, learning archery, looking at stars and other what not.  It truly is a great experience for kids…and I am keeping my fingers crossed the week will go well for her!  The weather here has been fairly unpredictable, and a touch less snow would really help things move smoothly up there.

Oddly enough, it is a strange day when you notice you daughter is growing up.  We shopped in the Jr. section the other day for the first time.  I honestly thought I might cry. Silly isn’t it.

Oh, I do have something I can post…..I finished these cute just for the heck of it buttons…..they are embroidered and then kind of yo-yo sewn over a plastic snap together button assembly, but I think they are cute 🙂


I should probably just leave it at that for the day.  Seems as though I have more to say, but never remember what it was. 

How about a sunrise to make up for it?