Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Pollyanna Rainbow Sunshine & the awesome mail day…. July 26, 2008

Filed under: Sewing — mintlatte @ 12:47 pm

SO once upon a time, Miss Lyda of the pollyanna’s made a scarf.  A scarf is just a scarf unless it is a tool of evil knitterly assimilation.  This scarf was such a tool, and the knitterborg  chuckled to itself.  When Lyda needed a name for her scarf…we were happy to oblige.  Happily the scarf did get its name, and we in turn got stuff.

See here the quilting coolness that is miss Lyda…


Thanks Lyda!! The bag is awesome, and I LOVE the colors!!!!!

I especially love how the sunflowers are cut to show off the flower…you do truly rock!






Quiltin’….. July 14, 2008

Filed under: Knitting,Life,Sewing — mintlatte @ 2:39 pm

OK, so I can sew. I don’t sew as often as I would like.  That said it seems I have NO problems picking up misc. fabric bits for no particular purpose.  While in Kansas I visited a couple of quilt shops, but the one that stole my heart was Around the Block Quilts.  I could really gush about that shop, only it is closing, the owner is relocating to another state.  Parson’s has truly lost a little treasure.  Check out the on-line shop though as she will still be there at least 🙂

Anyhoo, the knitmare on elm street fabric I purchased earlier on-line needed a complimentary solid to act as a nice bright lining for my future knit bag….so I managed to find a few yards of aqua there…

Also purchased on a whim, an oriental/retro inspired pink print, and goldfish!  The goldfish are especially wonderful as they have little names by them each…like bubbles or fred 🙂

As usual I have no idea what these will grow up to be, but the smart bet is on some kind of bag.

I have spent a good portion of my evenings watering lately, seeing as how mother nature is totally behind the curve on rain lately.  It only pretends it is going to rain, and it only does that when I make outdoor plans.  Despite all her laziness though, the garden is growing…..
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Tomatoes are set on, and working on being ripe, I will have at least one zucchini for dinner Wednesday night, we had beans from the garden on Saturday, and it is finally the season when all of the garden work pays off a little 🙂

I have been knitting but don’t have any pictures yet, but don’t get too excited, I think I just moved from cloths to towels.  Really I have got to knit something not square someday soon….


Knitta’ Crack… July 12, 2008

Filed under: Knitting — mintlatte @ 11:35 am

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6 ballbands, missing are the 4 that I gave away before photos…last one is a newly discovered form of crack, let’s call it knitta meth… the lace dishcloth…. I think I am not just a product knitter, right now I am an instant gratification knitter.


Tag…you’re it. July 9, 2008

Filed under: Life — mintlatte @ 8:29 am

I have been tagged.  By the Needles of Doom, I think….Unless it was Pollyanna Rainbow Sunshine…..

Anyhoo the rules are that you answer each question with a one word answer, then tag four others.  I really don’t follow rules much, as a kid I was known to be “it” and just rund off and do my own thing leaving others to self appoint a new “it” amongst themselves.  I really feel the need to stick with tradition here 🙂

1. Where is your cell phone? Charging
2. Your significant other? Home
3. Your hair? Flat
4. Your mother? Home
5. Your father? Work
6. Your favorite thing? bags
7. Your dream last night? mountains
8 Your favorite drink? coffee
9. Your dream/goal? travel
10. The room you’re in? Cubicle
11. Your hobby? Knitting
12. Your fear? moths
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Colorado
14. What you’re not? neat
15. Muffins? banana
16. One of your wish list items? spa
17. Where you grew up? Kansas
18. The last thing you did? search
19. What are you wearing? pants
20. Favorite gadget? tivo
21. Your pets? dogs
22. Your computer? happy
23. Your mood? pleasant
24. Missing someone? sometimes
25. Your car? blue
26. Something you’re not wearing? socks
27. Favorite store? Sams
28. Like someone? husband…
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? months


Lyda:  I hope that you do end up in Colorado.  I am pretty sure you would like it here 🙂




Gove City Yarns, Gove Kansas July 7, 2008

Filed under: Knitting — mintlatte @ 12:27 pm

OK first of all, I wish I had taken pictures, but my poor camera was sans batteries.

Gove yarns defies description.  People, I would live there if I could.  What I didn’t know going into it was that Gove yarns is an antiques AND yarn shop.  Walking in was a pretty amazing experience.  Especially since calling Gove a city is actually pretty flattering (no offense Gove) the yarn shop is the nicest place in town.

Gove yarns has an amazingly charming combination of old and new, with antique trunks and furniture just overflowing with yarn.  It is the type of shop where visually you are overwhelmed and find yourself digging through trunks of yarn, just to see what else might be there.  She had flatfoot yarn, which I passed by through some unknown self preservation method, and in another room had a good variety of TLC and other acrylics, the selection here was vast!

In the end I got the issue of Interweave Crochet with the Babette blanket in it, and the Fall of ’06 Interweave Knits, the place was a treasure trove of back issues!  Also I was lucky enough to score some sale yarn!

cotton on cones I love the pink and green together, this stuff is cotton, coned probably about 400 yds per cone!  Lovely stuff with a great sheen, will probably become baby goods as soon as I hear someone is having a girl 🙂

wool A lovely assortment of Jo Sharp wool in fall colors with which I will make myself a scarf 🙂

vintage needle

I fell hard for these vintage needles, she had a whole basket of them, and I consider it a total personal victory that I didn’t buy the whole lot…. but these were too sweet to pass up!

I highly doubt anyone just “ends up” in Gove, but if you happen to be nearby, I recommend the slight jaunt off the highway, it will be well worth your time.