Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Christmas stuff December 27, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 6:54 pm

Christmas has come and gone and oh what a Christmas it was.  Somehow we actually managed to please the children this year 🙂 I was fortunate enough to have the day after Christmas off, and it was sooooo peaceful, the kids just kept themselves busy all day and late into the night.  Other than the occasional odd immediate need I had time to get stuff done.

My poor laptop….its fan finally died.  Still, I had finally decided it was going to hold up long enough to get XP loaded on it. SO off I go to the store and purchase the darn upgrade, only to get halfway through the upgrade and have the laptop just power down.  No questions asked, just powered down.  Yup, it waited until I spent money on it and then it died.  SO my laptop fan now consists of a handheld battery operated foam fan and a beanie baby that is JUST the right size to hold the fan in position…oh yeah, and the laptop is perched on a metal cookie cooling rack.  The good thing is that this seems to be working.  The bad thing is that it probably won’t last.  The worst news is that to fix it right I have been quoted $300.00.  The poor laptop, having been born in 2001, thinks that perhaps $300.00 is too much to spend on it and is now having nightmares that its owner will once again attempt to take it apart. (Yes, you read that right, it already survived being partially dismantled once).  So perhaps we should all hold the poor laptop in our thoughts and perhaps she will recover.  If not she is too be replaced by a desktop of dubious origin.

Hmph enough on that….I promised pics of gifts…..

For my father in law I mad a rice bag… I have been at their house and caught him dozing with a heating pad, which is a rather unsafe practice, so decided to make him something he could doze with.

My mother in law is a Elvis fan, so she got the following: The Christmas tree skirt…and a tote bag (both from preprinted panels 🙂

But my sister got the masterpiece 🙂 I started hers back in September and am actually a little shocked I finished it.


 and an action shot 🙂

It was absolutely my first afghan, and I LOVED making it!  I was sure I would get bored (as I did with the shell baby blanket) but I didn’t.  I just picked it up and worked on it whenever I felt like it.  It is made from Caron one pounders (4 of them!) and turned out just perfect. It is from the book Quick and Cozy Afghans I only checked it out from the library, and then I memorized the pattern, but I am thinking I will buy this book soon, I really liked the afghans in it and the patterns are easy 🙂

AND I got a new digital camera 🙂 SO if you think the afghan pictures look better than my others you can thank my parents who truly spoiled me this year 🙂

See looky the boy:

And the girl (already tired of the new camera)

And the dog (who has a phobia of flashes now 🙂

   Hope you all had a merry Christmas as well!


Cuuute Christmas Slippers :-) December 13, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 9:44 am

OK so it has been a while, the problem here is that I have been working on Christmas stuff, and lately I have heard tooooo many people say " I saw the cutest (fill in the) on your blog…."  which means people are actually looking at it. SO I can not post present pictures here. Soon after Christmas you can expect a gift update, and pictures 🙂

BUT I do know that my niece is a tad young to be surfing on her own, so little miss cutie pie is getting a pair of Christmas slippers…. These are plain old red heart, but she is 4, so durability and washability are key.  The pattern is from free patterns although you might have to surf their archives to find it…..

These babies are belled, so hopefully you can hear her coming 🙂

Anyway, since we all LOVE getting things in the mail, I am going to mail them to her, even though she is local 🙂

Sigh.  It is good to be back.