Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Get off my lawn…. June 29, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 7:42 pm
Fable Mitts by mintlatte
Fable Mitts, a photo by mintlatte on Flickr.

So anyway – these are the fable mitts, I finished them in a rush as they were originally intended for someone else, but in an evil twist of fate I got to keep them. The knitting is just to distract you, I really started typing to tell you all how fricking grumpy I am.

My dog is making me insane becasue the oversize dipshit is terrified of fireworks, and every kid in my neighborhood apparently has an unlimited firework fund. I find myself thinking very bad things about these children, and worse things about their parents. The problem is when I was a kid nothing made me happier than a bag of fireworks – that delightful sense of wrongness when you lit the fuse and held it to the last minute and threw it…or when you stuffed a barbies head with black cats and twisted all the fuses together to light as one…anyway FWIW I still have all my fingers. Clearly something has addled my brain between childhood and today cause I would ban the damn things. In the meantime my addled st. bernard golden mix is living under my skirts, and is fricking terrified to go outside and do his business. His back legs have acquired a nervous shake and he is vocalizing….peiple my dog licks, he does not vocalize. Also the whine is very wimpy and the one thing my dog has going for him is that he can look tough (look being the key word)
In closing – fricking brats…get off my lawn – also I would never wish that you lose a finger, but if you buzzed on badly enough to give up fireworks…..


14,264 foot high sock…. June 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 6:35 pm
100_0828 by mintlatte
100_0828, a photo by mintlatte on Flickr.

The family and I decided to play tourist today. Sometime you forget just how pretty it can be here.
Anyway, my poor sock in progress went with me and who can blame it for wanting to see the scenery?


Things learned at the golf course…. June 24, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 8:29 pm

OK I do not golf. But I do man the hole at golf tournaments for marketing sometimes. Today I learned some important stuff.

1. butt crack sweat is the worst kind of sweat.

2. boob sweat is the second worst.

3. no matter how hard you try, you will miss a critical spot with the sunscreen.

4. I do not really understand golf.  Also golfers think that is kind of odd.

5. The part after the golf stuff where you ride around on the carts with the cute caddies who take all your marketing stuff to your car is just fine 🙂

 6. If I were single I would totally play golf.  Did I mention the cute caddies?




Ahhh…calm….. June 22, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 7:34 pm
3 diamonds bag by mintlatte
3 diamonds bag, a photo by mintlatte on Flickr.

So I am sitting on my front porch watching the grass grow. Really. Actually I am watching the sprinklers, listening to the birds and enjoying the evening cool as it rolls in. The hubby and kids are just getting back from a walk….and I am just enjoying the calm.

I have been handed a bouquet of weeds by one kid, and a dirty foot bandaid from the other. Ah the joys of motherhood.

Work is wonderful again. Crazy busy, but oddly far less stressful than it had become. You never want someone to have so much power over you that they can make you miserable, and yet you find that stuck day to day with someone it wears down your resistance to miserable. Folks my resistance to miserable is pretty darn strong. I hope to never have to exercise my anti miserable that strongly again.

Miserable does have some good side effects though – I adopted a finish it now mentality with my crafting and didn’t take up too many long projects, so I do at least have some finished stuff. 
This was an impuls buy at a knitted peace – a free pattern with yarn purchase type thing I had to have. Basically a weekend knit. I plan to knit this one again….bigger. And maybe from wool instead of cotton, the cotton was darn hard on my hands, but worth it.

Hope you all are enjoying summer as much as I am 🙂


eh…who are you again? June 17, 2011

Filed under: Work — mintlatte @ 7:24 pm

Well it has been a long time folks. I hope to post more often – but then again I always hope to post more often. But today something big happened. Today something huge changed at work. Something with the potential to make me like my job again. All I know is sometimes you need change, and change is what we got. I also hope that somehow I can get some of me back. Living my life centered around a job that was becoming harder to do every day took a lot out of me. I need my hobbies and my creative side, and I just didn’t have the energy for them. I am feeling pretty positive at the moment, so maybe just maybe I can get my groove back 🙂