Mintlatte's formerly Crafty Space

When Cancer takes over….

Dance the night away… September 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 10:11 am


Originally uploaded by mintlatte

So this weekend I sent my girl (left) to a Homecoming Dance.
How on earth can you stall father time? He is running and I would settle for a nice crawl.

She came home just before her coach turned into a pumpkin having enjoyed her time as the bell of the ball.

Mel – thanks for the dress. It was super cute on her.


Some are dripping with pearls…. September 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — mintlatte @ 6:32 am

Me – I was dripping with teenage girls.  DD finally got her birthday party – and I beat a hasty retreat to my sewing room.

I am finally attending the yarn tasteing at Knitted Peace after wanting to go to one for a while and not being able to – that and just the general disarray of my needles had been forming thoughts in my head for some time.  I needed a way to keep track of my Options set so that I knew which points I had available.

There are times when I have something in mind and I sit down with random scrap fabric from my stash and just start cutting as sewing and ripping and experimenting until I get what I want.  This time I hit the jackpot – I got what I wanted on the first try.
DSCN0775 Looks pretty simple from the outside – but inside is where the goodness is…

The pockets around the outer edges hold 16 sets of needle tips!  (More if I double small sizes in pockets 🙂 Inside is enough room for all the other knit accessories I like to have handy – so finally I have a small accessory bag I can just throw in my knitting bag and run with.  Actual size is 8″ x 5.5″ x 2″.

This one is truly providence as I expected to go through at least a couple of iterations before I got what I wanted.  I didn’t even have a zipper on hand, and ended up using the zipper from one of those plastic bags sheets come in.  (reason I save so much worthless crap – someday I might need it – and I DID 🙂 So my zipper pull says “imex vinylpackaging”  LOL.

Perhaps there is something to be said for letting ideas permeate for some time – I am truly happy this worked the first time, but if things keep working the first time, I may never get to my “good” fabric 🙂